Home Page - IACS - The International Association of Catalysis Societies

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Welcome to the official web site
of the International Association of Catalysis Societies

IACS is an association of catalysis societies from 30 countries. Its objectives is to promote scientific and technological progress in the fiels of catalytic chemistry, and specifically to provide a forum for formal and informal discussions amongst scientists and engineers from time to time (typically quadrennial) by promoting the organization of International Congress on Catalysis (ICC). IACS also aims to structure, support and defence catalysis as science and technology through out the world.

    • 06/04/24. winners of the IACS Awards 2024  (see page of awards)
      • International Catalysis Award
      • Heinz Heinemann Award
      • Young Researcher Support for attending ICC2024

    • changes in the Officers and Council lists (03 Feb. 2024),
    • open proposals for new IACS membership (to be discussed in next IACS meeting in Lyon 2024), contact the President
    • open proposals for IACS Honorary Membership  
    • open the bid for for next ICC (19ICC, in 2028), contact the President
      • Catalysis Society of Japan presented the bid for the next ICC (19ICC, in 2028).

Updated on April 6, 2024
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